Friday, October 28, 2011

Television Can Have It's Negative Effects

 Television: The Most Influential Medium
 We have always been proud of TV as being the most entertaining medium available at our homes. Although it has many positive effects in our life it has negative effects on us individuals. The negative effects of Tv are huge. The time we spend watching Tv can be the time we can spend doing something much more important in our daily lives, such as activities, studying, socializing, exercising or learning. The violence displayed on Tv can also have a negative effect on our lives as we encode them by watching anything displayed on TV. Television is a powerful teacher and especially for children because if children are always viewing their favorite characters using violence or aggression to get what they want, children will do the same. Tv is also making us fat becase of the time we spend sitting on the sofa and not moving anywhere else. Moreover Tv is making us materialistic due to all the advertisement commercials displayed we start demanding products more than we would actually want.

Advice :
Although TV is really important in our life and we cannot live without it and we use it for watching the news, our favorite shows, programs, movies and everything else, we need to limit the amount of time we spend on TV because it can have negative effects on us individuals and on children specifically and it could influence us all in general it could be good sometimes or it could be bad.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Did You Know?

A surge of new technologies and social media innovations is altering the media landscape.
This video basically shows us the statistical changes that have been happening due to the digital revolution. It shows us the new technologies that have been developed in the rescent years and how they have changed almost everyone's habits around the world. New habits are being acquired by people and have affected the way they deal with traditional mediums. People are adapting quickly to new technologies, and the use of those new technologies have rised. Since the chapters we have discussed in the previous lectures provide information about the traditional mediums and their new digital forms, I thought maybe this video could be useful to show everyone the differences between some of the old mediums and the uses of the new mediums. This video focuses a lot on how everything has turned digital and the incredible innovations.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Charlie Chaplin & Silent Film Era

Charlie Chaplin(16 April 1889 – 25 December 1977) was an English comic actor that had the most successful films back in the days during the silent film era. He continued his way through the talkies era too. He is said to be a comedy and cinema legend as well as a great entertainer for the audience watching. He was creative and influentianal at the same time. In the early 1900's he had a huge impact on the lives of Americans also during the world wars and the hard times of the Depression. He made people laugh and changed the way they looked at the world despite his own troubles. And even though his films were in black and white, he put a lot of color into everyone's life. For his films, he used popular songs of the day along with great pieces of classical music along with music he composed by himself.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Citizen Journalism

Citizen Journalism:
It is a term that refers to the public being the active members in the making of news stories. Individuals are basically without professional training they are normal citizens that dessiminate news with the use of modern communication technology. Citizen journalism has been flourishing at a higher rate in the Arab world due to the uprisings. People are uploading their own videos and news on blogs or are interacting with specific TV channels websites Other than uploading content through the website, user media content can also be sent via email or directly from their mobiles of what currently is happening; therefore, giving the world a different taste of how life is in their region than the mainstream publications are providing. Certain videos are then edited by the Tv Channel then broadcasted to the large audience around the world. Citizen journalism has gave people the chance of expressing the real situations though which they are going through, and have played a major role lately in the Arab region.